

'Stories of O' - "Gorgeous paintings" Skin Two

Gloucestershire based artist Stefan has secured over the past five years a deserved reputation amongst a small number of collectors and devotees for a series of large oil paintings inspired by the French novel Story of O. Borrowing elements from the book Stefan has created a visual narrative richly colored and full of theatrical motifs including burning candles, keys, masks, and draught blown curtains. In darkened rooms and cloistered gardens Stefan has caught his protagonists in freeze-frame and each frame has as its focal point a semi-clad femme enfant with a sharp black 'bob' reminiscent of silent movie star Louise Brooks. Though intentionally erotic nothing is explicit and the viewer is invited to conjure his own interpretation of events, one or two of which are lifted directly from the novel. Stefan first read the book in the 1970's shortly after it was published in Britain for the first time.


Caroline matching my imaginary "O" at EROTICA 98, Olympia, London, November 1998



Two poems by Dominique Aury from 'Songes' ('Dreams')


Le Fils (The Threads)

The threads which have bound me
Are finer than hairs... I hear complying in silence
The voluntary captive
The speechless the prisoner
Which I hide in my very depths...


Les fils qui m'ont attachée
Sont plus fins que des cheveux
Si la main les tire un peu
Qui les a pris à poignée

J'entends répondre sans voix
La captive volontaire
La muette la prisonnière
Que je cache au fond de moi

Son sang me brûle les veines
Des épaules aux genoux
Elle se tait mais c'est nous
Qui perdons ensemble haleine

Si les fils incandescents
Leur réseau de moi détachent
Si l'étreinte se relâche
Par quoi je vais respirant

Je deviendrai cendre éteinte
Scorie poudre et sable au vent
Gravats débris pavement
Sel de gemme asphalte peinte

Pour me renfoncer en terre
Au plus proche au plus commun
Pour que la chaleur des mains
Se refroidisse à la pierre

Et que me marche dessus
Le roi qui m'a caressée
Déchirée brûlée jetée
Vide défaite et rompue.


Le Eaux Noires (The Black Waters)

When you advance into my night
You are not you, I am other
This other knows not who I am
You know not that I am your own

We walk on a river bank
Upon a narrow towpath
On the edge of a new dyke
On the high steps of a dam

As far as the plain where great trees
Are reflected in the black waters
As far as the meads where marble gleams
In silence and despair

And I cry without a cry without a word
For night has reclaimed you
The floods have cut the paths
Ah, might I be carried off in the flotsam





Three drawings by Stefan:


The Owl Mask O & the Valet


O at Roissy (detail)




Louise Brooks ... Valentina ...(Crepax)




*Update: Story of O the complete read is now at : O

Some more LINKS of interest:

Tate Gallery, London O
Fake Tate Art Gallery (creative and surreal images - take a look)
Dada & Surrealism Resource (lots of links)
World Wide Arts Resources O
Fetish art at "Violate"
Art of Marcus Gray O
Art of Ray Leaning O
Fine Photography of John Dietrich O
Jaap van Deijk's Erotic Art Index O
Erotic Arts Portfolio (Hayward Fine Art prints & postcards) O


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If you have got this far please proceed to Roissy Gallery: O

'Stories of O'
The Corridors of Roissy